C/1948 V1

C/1948 V1 (Eclipse Comet)
Discovery date: November 1, 1948
Alternate designations: Eclipse Comet, 1948 XI, 1948 V1
Orbital characteristics A
Epoch: 2432840.5
Aphelion: 3861 AU[1]
Perihelion: 0.135 AU
Semi-major axis: 1931 AU[1]
Eccentricity: 0.99994
Orbital period: ~84,800 yr.[1]
Inclination: 23.1°
Last perihelion: October 27, 1948
Next perihelion: unknown

The Eclipse Comet of 1948, formally known as C/1948 V1, was an especially bright comet discovered during a solar eclipse on November 1, 1948. Although there have been several comets that have been seen during solar eclipses, the Eclipse Comet of 1948 is arguably the best-known; it was however, best viewed only from the Southern Hemisphere.

When it was first discovered during totality, it was already quite bright, at magnitude -2; as it was near perihelion, this was its peak brightness.[2] Its visibility during morning twilight improved as it receded outward from the Sun; it peaked near zero magnitude, and at one point displayed a tail roughly 30 degrees in length, before falling below naked eye visibility by the end of December.[2]


  1. ^ a b c Horizons output. "Barycentric Osculating Orbital Elements for Comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)". http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi?find_body=1&body_group=sb&sstr=1948V1. Retrieved 2011-02-03.  (Solution using the Solar System Barycenter and barycentric coordinates. Select Ephemeris Type:Elements and Center:@0)
  2. ^ a b Dr. Sten Odenwald. "When was the last time we had two bright comets in the same year?". Ask the Astronomer. http://www.astronomycafe.net/qadir/q2761.html. Retrieved 2006-02-13. 

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